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As an avid woodworker, I have had the privilege of developing both my skill, as well as my passion, for the past couple years. In today's modern world of mass production, it is very easy for a person to become a customer, rather than a DIYer.

The truth is that with the proper motivation and patience, anyone is able to turn a seemingly impossible idea into an authentic and genuine creation. However, to put it bluntly, people are lazy. Many do not understand that building is a beautiful and rewarding process that enables you to tap into your unique and God-given creativity. The very fact that you are even reading this article, indicates your willingness to act on your creative possibilities. If anyone is unsure on what they want to do or even how to start, then I urge you to continue reading!

What Can I Do?

To commence your creative journey, you must first identify which topic you are most interested in. At the beginning, it is extremely easy to attempt too much at once; however, one must not become over-excited. In order to advance, it is important to choose just one concept and gradually branch out your knowledge from there. Below is a list of few subjects that many of my friends and I passionately share:

  • Woodworking

  • Drawing

  • Painting

  • Writing

  • Calisthenics

  • Musical Composition

  • Video Editing

  • Sewing/Embroidery

  • Photography

  • Sculpting

Now What?

With a subject in mind, all that is left to do is ACT! Act upon your passion and really dig deep into making something that is individual and irreplaceable. Though this may seem self explanatory, starting may be the most important step of all. Many people become extremely uncomfortable to the thought of negative feedback that they quit before they even begin.

Be sure to welcome this feedback and use criticism as a valuable tool to refine your techniques and final result. Do not be like George McFly in the above video.

Additionally, starting doesn't always imply buying the most expensive tools and accessories; it requires patience and research. Be sure to only invest your time and money into objects that are actually necessary. Research your topic and heavily observe what it means to become an expert in your field of interest.

Some useful methods that I used to research my woodworking journey consisted of:

  • YouTube Videos/Tutorials

  • Attending In-Person Classes

  • Asking questions to fellow Instagram makers

  • Attempting projects by trail and error

Lastly, be sure not to rush the learning process. It is at the beginning of the journey where a creator begins to learn the most about their patience, time management and problem solving. Enjoy yourself and always start with the basics.

Where To Get The Time?

There is no doubt that learning a new skill will take massive amounts of time. However, with a strong passion and steady motivation, you will be able to make time for yourself.

For myself, my motivation was creating gifts. It is said that it is better to give than receive and in my experience, this happens to be true. Just knowing that you gave such a special and unique gift, is such an amazing feeling that cannot be put into words. This feeling kept me going. As a result, I began to fill all of my free time with mini woodworking lessons that I would teach myself. Failure was undoubtably encountered, but it was that failure that was used for my next lesson.

If you are dedicated, you will have all the time in the world.

Be Smart

With such a constant abundance of big box advertising, it is very easy to fall victim to buying unnecessary materials that you think you may need. I am no stranger to this notion. At my start, I bought many of the tools that sponsored YouTubers had in their videos, however, as I developed my skills, I noticed that the same results can be gained with my grandfather's tools. Do not be convinced that you need something; many projects can be successfully completed with the simplest of materials.

However, if you decide to buy the bells and whistles of your craft, be sure to have a steady income based off of your creations. Always reinvest back into yourself and be sure to track your spending and progress.

As stated above, learning new skills takes an abundance of time, therefore, it is absolutely essential to make time for family. Always be sure to properly balance your work life with your social life. Whether you take a break to meet someone or invite someone into your shop, I highly encourage that you do not fully lose yourself to your work.


As this article comes to an end, I can only hope to actuate your decision to become a DIYer, rather than a customer. The ability to complete a project, on your own, is such a rare and rewarding process that not only hones lifelong skills, but also adds a deep level of self discovery.

I am a woodworker, but now I am also a writer. I took a leap of creative faith and successfully created a platform where I can freely share my thoughts and ideas. When writing this article, I encountered numerous spelling errors, grammar mistakes, and poor word choice, but I tried my best to take my time and refine my mistakes. This all comes with time.

Please do not be intimated with the thought of failure. Please act on your passion.

- creACTivity -

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